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Calendula - sun flower.

There are a huge number of different types of flowers and plants in the world - each plant has its own legend, its own history, its own character, its own purpose.

Calendula - (lat. Calendula officinalis) from calendae - the first day of the month. Its flowers open with sunrise and close after sunset, "informing", like a calendar, about the beginning of the day.

This flower is also called: the sun dial, the bride of summer, the golden color, the solstice, the flower of the sun. Calendula symbolizes fidelity, constancy and long love.

"Calendula" - stained glass miniature

SKU: 36523641234523
  • "Calendula". Hanging window stained glasswith elements of painting on glass,from colored glass with a textured patterned surface.


    • windowstained glass decor made in the technique of "Tiffany" of colored glass with elements of painting on glass (paints with baking);
    •  pendant, fastened with a chain;
    • work size: width 13.5cm, height 18cm;
    • the work is framed with a narrow profile of 0.4 cm.


Stained glass workshop

"Solveig Stained Glass"

Kyiv, Ukraine, Konoplyanskaya st., 12

tel.: +38 (066) 177 16 25

© 2020 Solveig Stained Glass. All rights reserved.

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