There are many options to make your home cozy and beautiful. A well-built interior lifts the mood, evokes positive emotions, and vice versa - the lack of ideas, style, monotony, poor color palette in the interior can cause melancholy, depressed mood, and lead to a deterioration in mood and well-being.
The uniqueness of the design of the interior space is determined not only by the quality of repairs and furniture design, but also by decorative elements that attract and hold attention. For example, original author's stained glass lamps and light panels.

Today, stained glass panels can be ordered from craftsmen who use different technologies to produce their extraordinary works. Our time is marked by the emergence of new forms of illuminated stained glass products - these are decorative panels on the wall in the form of lamps or paintings, suspended ceilings, columns, partitions, false windows, chandeliers, lamps, screens, souvenirs. Multi-color images, artistic painting, luminous elements using modern technologies, on the wall and on the ceiling - countless options for the execution of techniques and materials thanks to which the panel becomes a stylish, original and self-sufficient element of the interior.