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"Still life with a pumpkin" - stained glass window made in the technique Tiffany, this is a unique technology that allows you to create unusually interesting and complex paintings from pieces of colored glass. Ideas and inspiration ... "Magic"_cc78190 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Tiffany glass pumpkins! We wanted to draw your attention and show all the beauty of colored glass. Let there be more glass fans!

"Still life with pumpkin"

  • "Натюрморт с тыквой" на подставке из тонированной ольхи, витражный декор выполненный в технике "Тиффани" из цветного стекла. Размер изделия 24, 0 x 15.0 cm, stand size 30.0 cm x 9.8 cm x 2.0 cm.

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