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Витражный светильник в технике Тиффани. Фонарь.

"Stained glass lamp" - in the technique of Tiffany


Under the guidance of a stained glass artist, during the master class, you will make stained glass artistic elements corresponding to the planned size and shape of the lamp, insert them into a lantern or assemble another structure and leave with the finished product - a masterpiece that you worked on!

We offer several lamp designs to choose from:

  • a wall (or table) lantern is completed, into which four (or more) flat stained glass elements are made, corresponding to the size of the glass holes of the finished lamp. Stained glass lantern can be used for interior decoration. Easy to install, convenient to use, it will always delight you with its appearance! Stained glass and a complete wall lantern without a lamp or wire are included in the price of the master class. The duration of the lesson is 3-4 days, 4 hours each. The duration and cost of the master class depend on the number (4, 6, 8) and complexity (size and number of parts in the drawing) of stained glass elements of the lamp;

  • a very popular universal, stylish frame rectangular structure (or cube), which can be used as an LED or other lamp or as a candlestick. Lesson duration: 3-4 days, 4 hours each;

  • in your base, you can make flat stained glass as a lantern or a volumetric shade as a base for a lamp. Both new, modern design bases and old or antique bases of lamps, fixtures, and sconces are suitable.

For the design you choose, our artist will develop an individual sketch taking into account your wishes, the required style, size, style, design. See examples of proposed designs in the gallery below.


Colored stained glass and other materials are included in the price of the master class. Wire, light bulbs, chains, pendants, packaging boxes are paid additionally.

We conduct the master class individually, taking into account the complexity and volume of work.

We have developed sketches for you for different lamp options; the price of the master class depends on the size, complexity and design of the selected product.


Registration for the master class is here:


You can order a gift certificate for a product of any complexity:



 +38 (066) 060 92 47

+38 (066) 177 16 25

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Stained glass workshop

"Solveig Stained Glass"

Kyiv, Ukraine, Konoplyanskaya st., 12

tel.: +38 (066) 177 16 25

© 2020 Solveig Stained Glass. All rights reserved.

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